Your school enrolment

Course fees are calculated on the basis of your enrolment. If you start later in the academic year, the course fees may be lower.

Quit or didn’t start

Did you terminate your enrolment before 1 October? Then you won’t be charged course fees. If you disenrol after 1 October, you’ll normally have to pay the fees for the full academic year. In exceptional cases, you may have a portion of your course fees refunded.

Lower fees for later enrolment

If you enrol in the course of the academic year, your course fees will be lower. For the exact amount, see the table.

Table later enrolment 2024-2025
Course fees per month of enrolment, 2024-2025
Enrolment in No. of months Course fees
August 12 €1,419
September 11 €1,419
Oktober 10 €1,419
November 9 €1,064.25
December 8 €946
January 7 €827.75
February 6 €709.50
March 5 €591.25
April 4 €473
May 3 €354.75
June 2 €236.50
July 1 €118.25

Instalment plan and late enrolment

If you enrol later in the academic year and choose the instalment plan, you’ll pay fewer than 9 instalments. You will be notified of the exact payment amounts and dates.

Switching to a different programme

You only need to pay course fees once a year. If you switch to a different full-time MBO or VAVO programme, you don’t have to pay again.

If you’re switching to a programme that charges statutory school fees (‘wettelijk cursusgeld’), you may be eligible for a course fees refund.

If you transfer to HBO or university in the course of the academic year, you can apply for a tuition fees reduction there. The university will request a proof of payment, for which you can use the message you received from DUO in September. You can find this in Mijn DUO. The university will calculate the reduction using the table of course fees refund amounts.

Resits and work placements

If you are enrolled full-time, you have to pay course fees, even if the enrolment is only for a resit or work placement.

If you are enrolled part time, you do not have to pay course fees.