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Disagree with DUO

Lodging an objection

A letter of objection is a letter indicating why you disagree with a decision taken by DUO: if your application is rejected, for example. You cannot lodge an objection against:

What to do

You can use one of our standard letters of objection (available in Dutch only) or write one yourself.

Standard letters of objection

Writing a letter of objection yourself

  1. Your letter of objection must at least contain the following:
    • the date
    • your name, address and email address
    • your citizen service number (BSN)
    • the decision against which you are lodging your objection
    • your signature
    • the reasons for your objection
  2. If possible, enclose a copy of the decision against which you are lodging the objection. Or state the date and reference number of the decision. If you have supporting documents, enclose them too.
  3. Write ‘Letter of objection’ on the letter and on the envelope. Send the letter of objection to:

    Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs
    Afdeling Bezwaar en Beroep
    Postbus 50081
    9702 EA Groningen

If the letter of objection is not written in Dutch, the official processing the objection may ask for a translation.

Not online or by email

You cannot submit your letter of objection online or by email.

Late objections

You have 6 weeks from the date on the letter or decision in question to lodge your objection. This is the ‘objection period’. If you submit your letter of objection after this period without having a valid reason, your objection will not be processed. The decision will then remain unchanged.

If you submit your letter of objection after this period but have a valid reason, state this in your letter of objection. The processing official will then assess whether your letter of objection can be handled after all.

Too late to lodge an objection

If the objection period has expired, there may be another option, but you will have to come up with ‘new facts’. New facts are facts that were not previously known, particularly not at the time that DUO took the decision you disagree with.

You can ask DUO to change the decision based on the new facts. You must do so within 6 weeks of becoming aware of the new facts. If you wait too long before submitting your request, DUO may reject your request.

Sometimes you can submit a request even when no new facts have come to light. You may, for example, be able to submit supporting documents concerning your living situation or details of your registration at school. DUO observes a generous term of 5 years for such requests.

Authorizing somebody else

Somebody else can lodge an objection on your behalf but only if authorized by you to do so. Your authorized representative must enclose the authorization form with the letter of objection. It is not necessary to authorize lawyers, legal expenses insurers, administrators appointed by the court (‘bewindvoerders’) or curators for this purpose.

If you have already authorized somebody to arrange matters with DUO for you, you do not have to authorize this person again to lodge an objection on your behalf.

What happens next?

  • You will receive a letter from DUO that your letter of objection has been received.
  • If you have given your telephone number or email address in your letter, the processing official will be able to contact you. If this does not lead to a solution, the official can make an appointment for a hearing with you. This gives you the opportunity to explain why you do not agree with the decision.
  • DUO has 6 weeks after the objection period to make a decision. This decision term can be extended once by 6 weeks. It can be extended further if we have to wait for the reasons for your objection.
  • Do you disagree with the decision on your letter of objection? Then you may lodge an appeal.

The original decision remains valid until a new decision is taken. This means that you will not be granted suspension of payment. If this causes financial problems for you or your institution, you can apply to the court for a preliminary injunction Link opent externe pagina .