
Use the eligibility assistant to check if you're eligible for a lifelong learning credit.

All conditions

You must meet all of the following conditions:

  • You’re taking a full-time, part-time or dual programme in higher vocational education (HBO) or at university (also covers modular programmes). Or you’re taking a full-time BOL programme in secondary vocational education (MBO).
  • You’re doing your coursework in the Netherlands (not the Dutch Caribbean). You are taking a recognized programme, registered in RIO (Register Instellingen en Opleidingen). You can ask your educational institution whether this is the case.
  • Either you’re a Dutch national or you have a type II, III, IV, V or Article 50 residence permit. EU/EEA citizens Link opent externe pagina , Swiss citizens, their partners and their children can also get a lifelong learning credit.
    If you have a type I residence permit, use the eligibility assistant to determine if you are eligible.
  • You are not (or no longer) eligible for regular student finance.
  • You’re older than 30, but younger than 57. If you’re not yet 30, you can get credit only in either of the following 2 situations:
    • You have a bachelor’s degree from an HBO institution or a master’s degree from a university, and you are now going to take a 2nd study programme at either type of institute.
    • You are going to take a part-time programme at an HBO institution or university.

    Once you have turned 57, you will not be able to get the lifelong learning credit again. You should keep this in mind if you stop your loan before your 57th birthday.

  • Your tuition fees are not be reimbursed in full by another organisation or individual, such as your employer or your parents. If part of the tuition fees are paid for you, you can apply for a lifelong learning credit for the remainder.